Black Heart by Holly Black - The Bursting Bookshelf

Black Heart by Holly Black

2:30 AM

Black Heart (Curse Workers, #3)Title: Black Heart 
Author: Holly Black
Publisher: Margaret K. McElderry
Release: April 3, 2012
Pages: 296
Series: Curse Workers #3

Cassel Sharpe knows he’s been used as an assassin, but he’s trying to put all that behind him. He’s trying to be good, even though he grew up in a family of con artists and cheating comes as easily as breathing to him. He’s trying to do the right thing, even though the girl he loves is inextricably connected with crime. And he’s trying to convince himself that working for the Feds is smart, even though he’s been raised to believe the government is the enemy. 

But with a mother on the lam, the girl he loves about to take her place in the Mob, and new secrets coming to light, the line between what’s right and what’s wrong becomes increasingly blurred. When the Feds ask Cassel to do the one thing he said he would never do again, he needs to sort out what’s a con and what’s truth. In a dangerous game and with his life on the line, Cassel may have to make his biggest gamble yet—this time on love.

Getting this book was an amazing surprise, I had been counting down until the books release, dying to know what would happen to the characters. When it arrived, I had a brief freak out session, and began nearly immediately after getting it.

There has been a lot of movement afoot about the changing of cover of the Curse Workers series. Personally, I like the fact that the new covers appeal to the more romantic side of the books, showing the books in a softer light and appealing to even more readers. For the final book in the series, the color scheme is a blue, fuchsia and purple, highlighting both Cassel and Lila using only dots of varying colors and sizes. I also love the fonts used because they're softer than the originals, going with the romantic theme.

Most of the characters in this book underwent immense growth. Cassel may have been the most significant in this area due to his changing loyalties and feelings towards others. Lila has never been a favorite of mine, but she did begin to make more sense to me when she went through as many ordeals as she did and she still ended on a high, noble note. The secondary characters proved as enjoyable as ever, giving multiple dimensions to the plot of the book.

To say this book was better than those before it would be an understatement. Black Heart was a fresh addition to the Curse Workers' series that truly will fulfill any fan who reads it. As always, Holly Black used her unique writing style to enforce the quality the fans of this series have come to know and love; very detailed and hard to describe. The plot also held signature characteristics: twists and turns where you would not expect them and an ending like no other. The end managed to wrap up all the loose threads of story very nicely without giving up the shock factor that this series is so great at accomplishing.

Who would I recommend this book to? Anyone. Pure and simple. These books capture the reader's imagination with a gritty style and a wide array of emotions play out within them through the characters. Overall,  if you haven't started this series, why haven't you yet? I give Black Heart a 5/5 for being shocking and fulfilling finale to this amazing series.

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